Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Into November

I have a group of women I love dearly. There are 8 of us and we have been getting together once a month for over 8 years. We can't always all make it, but we try.

It all started in my kitchen in September, 2003. I had auctioned baking lessons as a fundrasing item for a church auction. A group of 3 women came to bake sponge cake. I thought this would be a 2 hour thing; put together a strawberry shortcake, eat it and go. WELL! At quarter to 12, a husband called, wondering if his wife was still there. We had completely lost track of time and decided we weren't done talking.

By the time my three session class was over, we had included a few more women we wanted to really get to know and we were off!

8 years later we have lost one member and regained one of the original 4. These are my best friends. They were the women I called when my husband died and they were there to get me through. We wtill meet onece a month and start with coffee and goodies at 10 am, progress into lunch and then back to the goodies until 3 pm. I have always indulged; however, with my new eating program...

I dediced to bring root vegetables to roast. The smell filled Ann's kitchen as we talked. I believe they were all pleasantly surprised how good the veggies were.

Roasted Root Vegetables.

1 large carrot
1 large parsnip
3 beets, any color
1 large yam
1 small butternut squash
3 T. Fresh Thyme
Salt and pepper to taste
1/3 cup olive oil.

cut vegetables into 1" chunks. Toss with olive oil, thyme and salt and pepper. Pour onto baking sheet covered with foil. Roast at 425 for 45 minutes, stirring once.

Dan, at Dan's Produce Market gave me a handy hint. Cook the butternut squash for 4 to 5 minutesd in the microwave to make it easier to cut and peel. It really works!

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