Today might gross you out, but if Jamie Leigh Curtis can do commercials about it, so can I.
I have never been "regular" in my life. Ever. Never. Period. Once or twice a week if I was going good. I scoff no more at "regular". The change in diet had made so many improvements in my life and becoming "regular" is one of them. Once a day between 10 and 11 am. Every day. Sometimes even twice. Except weekends when I am lolling about the house with my coffee, then it's by 8 am. You can almost set a clock my my intestines. It's completely freaky and out of character. All the fiber in my whole grains and produce are doing their job.
That's all I need to say.
aaaaand that's all that NEEDS to be said really. When it gets right down to it, your digestive system will Make or Break your Day. 9 times out of 10...if you're not feeling well? well, Just like the Beatles sang "Alll you need is love! [and a good poo!]" :)