Growing up in Northern Wisconsin, we had this entire week of school off. It was hunting season and we couldn't be out waiting for the school bus next to the woods. The whack job hunters from Milwaukee and Chicago, or citiots (city+idiot) would shoot anything that moved. Cows, dogs and moving cars were fair game when you had a flask in your pocket and a loaded gun.
So here we were, trapped indoors for nine days. What to do with four girls? Well, we always went Christmas shopping on the Tuesday. That required a 60 mile drive to Duluth and took up one day. Thanksgiving took up another. The rest of the time we baked. Cookies, holiday breads and we hand-dipped chocolates. We made peppermint patties, hot air, cutout cookies and, well and. There was sugar, flour and chocolate everywhere and it all smelled DELICIOUS!.
By the time the sun went down and the hunters had to get out of the woods, we had cabin fever and went outside. The lake usually froze over thick enough to skate by this time so we would tie on our skates and skate by the yard light up the hill. If we were really lucky, the lake would freeze on a still night and the ice was glass, smooth and perfect for skating. We could spend hours out there in the cold night with an entire lake to skate on. And back to baking the next day.
As an adult, I've never baked like that for the holidays and I miss it. Of course, NOW, it's a good thing I haven't. It's one less thing to give up. But I still have the memories and they're very precious to me.
Another positive note: Friday I had a fun-size Nestles Crunch bar and was very disappointed. The flavor was bitter and the chocolate was grainy. Crunch bars were always a favorite. I feel as if I'm being freed.
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