Sunday, February 5, 2012

Big Day.

No, this has nothing to do with the Super Bowl, I had to buy smaller jeans yesterday. Mine were bagging in the butt and drooping so badly that the crotch was at mid thigh. They were just uncomfortable!  So, here I am with brand new jeans. My two too large pair are being donated. On my way to work tomorrow I will drop them off. OUT!

I spent yesterday with the girlfriends. I was limited on what I could eat and I didn't have a problem with it. I had some organic chicken sausage and lots of fresh vegetables followed by an apple for dessert. I was happy with what I had. My very best friend had a problem though. First, she offered me a croissant. No, thank you. I explained that I had given up gluten and dairy because they made me feel uncomfortable (more on that in a minute). Because I have made this change, I feel fabulous to the nth degree. Every day, all day. She would not let that rest. She said to me. "You could get used to eating them again." I'm not sure what her motivation is, but I don't want to get used to eating them again. I loved the taste of my apple after lunch. It was sweet, juicy and delicious. Cake and icing is too, too sweet!

What I discovered about dairy: I get a sharp, stabbing abdominal pain 30 minutes after eating cottage cheese. It doesn't last long, but why would I want to get used to that again? I had purchased two pints of organic cottage cheese and took a cup to work with me four days last week. The first time it happened I paid attention and knew I needed to try it again. the same thing happened the next two days. Well, that's empirical proof. The fourth day, I ate it after I had my meatballs and didn't have pain, but...I'm sure if I had had the cottage cheese first... So, I have cut out dairy. I'm going to try it in some gluten free pancakes and see if it's okay there.

Am I crazy to choose to feel good all the time?


  1. oh yah should be EATING to be MISERABLE! I'm not sure why your friend wanted you to get used to eating croissants again. Boo on THAT! I gave up dairy 2 years ago. The yogurt was making me very uncomfy. So I gave it ALL up and basically only eat the occasional cheese on pizza. Last week a friend of my son Tim mentioned his stomach problems were solved for the most part by eating Greek Yogurt (with all the active cultures.) I thought, huh! So I bought and tried some. My first tentative tsp was so good, I plopped a bunch onto my morning oatmeal. BAM! HUGE stomach discomfort. :( I still have the occasional stomach "bubbles" after I eat. I didn't like taking the Prilosec; the Tums seem to be enough to ward off most problems. I've noticed a distinct correlation between stress and the stomach bubbles. Weird Weird. The days I'm relatively stress free? no noticeable bubbles.

    Carol was telling me she'd read that SOY milk (which I've been using as my milk alternative) is not a good choice, for a variety of reasons NOT the least of which is a cancer link. So I'm thinking perhaps Rice milk or LacTaid. Concerned about my calcium intake, i'm back to popping calcium pills and keeping my fingers crossed. Babble babble, eh?

    hah- i might just use all this for a post on MY ignored blog!

  2. Kathy, please do a blog on you gas. the world is waiting to hear! Susan
