Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Tonight I went out and bought a new bathroom scale. It's one of those electronic ones so there is no cheating by putting more weight on one foot and leaning to the side. The weight is what it is.

This was a huge step for me as I have had a hate/hate relationship with the scale for over 40 years. No matter what, the scale has never been my friend. My weight has never correlated to the number on the damned chart. Even at my thinnest, I was 25 lbs. more than the chart said I was supposed to be. It didn't matter that I was a mass of muscle from water-skiing, swimming, soccer, baseball and mowing two acres of hillside with a push mower. There wasn't an ounce of fat to be found, but my doctor thought I should lose 45 lbs. That decree created a downward spiral into yo-yo dieting and self-loathing.

Just knowing I had to get on a scale would cause me to starve myself for a couple of days before I had to step on. Followed by a mild binge after before I could start the diet again.

I have avoided a scale for years. Even my doctor knows better than to ask. And here I am, the proud (?) possessor of a new scale. I'm hoping that my blog and my friends will keep me on track and keep me from going nuts.

1 comment:

  1. remember that a scale can be your biggest enemy and become an obsession...aren't there good rules for scale use? Like only weigh yourself once a week, something like that..like Friday Morning (before any weekend excess.) I don't own a scale. I use the JEAN method as well as the MIRROR method. If my jeans are getting tight, big sigh and back to the grind. (And well, yep, the jeans are tight - can you hear the grinding?) and the mirror method. A well lit room and a mirror helps me avoid that pile of cookies like the plague. :)
