Thursday, January 19, 2012


Amazingly enough, I am not hungry. I'm on Day Four of this cleanse and the only side effect is I AM FREEZING MY ASS OFF! The lack of fuel is making me cold. To add insult to injury, we have had three of the coldest days of the season this week. I have had to keep my space heater on all day at work and wear my fleece jacket. It's a swing coat and covers my lap while I am sitting. I made it especially to wear in the office on cold days. Think Snuggie for work. When I get home, I burrow under a throw made of double layers of polar fleece. I had to break the fast a little and have a glass of wine last evening just to warm me up.

On Day Two, I finally got my butt to the health food store for some organic apple juice to mix the sludge powder into. What a difference! Yes, it still gets thick and gelatinous if you don't slam it down, but at least it tastes better. As I haven't had anything as sweet as juice in a long time, I had to mix it 50/50 with water.

The upside is I've dropped 4.5 lbs this week and am kick starting my new plan for 2012. The downside is I missed lunch at work today. We served my favorite Sticky Eggplant! It's so good, rich, salty and absolutely yummy. There was also chicken chow mein and eggrolls. If I can pass that up, I can do anything.

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